Back to the track this morning with Speedy and Doc. Speedy gets excited talking about the track. It is quite a different workout than the marathon stuff we've been doing. We did some kind of Jack Daniels workout, 2 x 200 meters and 1 x 400 meters at R pace, 4 sets. We started at the beginning of the cycle. I've only started 5 weeks out from the end of the cycle with the Jack stuff. We'd talked about doing a Horwill program or something else. Most of the workouts are pretty similar, only difference seems to be recovery time.
These guys are looking to peak for a July 5k, for me the next race is the RC Cola Moon Pie, a 10 miler in 4 weeks. I didn't run it last year, I watched the clock at the 5 mile marker. I've run this race at least 3 times, but never "fast". It's a fun race, lots of rolling hills. Usually a warm humid morning. According to Athlinks, I've run Moonpie 3 times with a pr of 1:09:32. I'd be happy with a 1:07, but really should be able to run a 1:06.
Allergies have started back up. Really noticed it out at the farm on Sunday. Pretty sure its the grass coming to seed. This morning at the track I could smell the honeysuckle, they've always triggered the allergies in the past. Still haven't had to much difficulty this spring.
These guys are looking to peak for a July 5k, for me the next race is the RC Cola Moon Pie, a 10 miler in 4 weeks. I didn't run it last year, I watched the clock at the 5 mile marker. I've run this race at least 3 times, but never "fast". It's a fun race, lots of rolling hills. Usually a warm humid morning. According to Athlinks, I've run Moonpie 3 times with a pr of 1:09:32. I'd be happy with a 1:07, but really should be able to run a 1:06.
Allergies have started back up. Really noticed it out at the farm on Sunday. Pretty sure its the grass coming to seed. This morning at the track I could smell the honeysuckle, they've always triggered the allergies in the past. Still haven't had to much difficulty this spring.
Oh!! YEA!! Moon Pie!! This year will be my 9th in a row since 2001. See you toe-ing the line instead of volunteering. Hey, maybe it won't be 5 gazillon degrees this year? Ha...yea, right.
Hope to make the trip to Bell Buckle too.
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