Saturday, February 18, 2012

Even the VDOT ?

Piggybacked on the fast guys workout this morning. They're in the homestretch for their training for their next marathon. Think their workout was 4 x 5k at marathon pace, picking up the pace with each repeat. I thought it would be a good opportunity to simulate a 5k race. BQ1 joined us as well.

Pace felt really comfortable for the first mile. The second mile wasn't as comfortable, but still doable. Stayed with the guys and focused on not losing contact. The third mile was all about trying  to stay connected to the group. Lost contact, but didn't cave as normal. Just tried to maintain the turnover and not go completely anaerobic. Only fell a few seconds off the guys. Splits were 6:24, 6:25, 6:31.

I'll equate that to about a 20:00 5k. Or a 50 VDOT. Not quite were I need to be but a little better than I thought. Still like to lower it to around 53. That's where it's been for all of my PR's the last couple of years. Odd or coincidence that my VDOT is the same as my current age?

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