Spring is in the air. Nice warm breeze this morning. Should hit 70 degrees this weekend. Maybe even jump on the bike. Golf course was nice and soft this morning. Lots of critters out and about. First thing I saw was a fox crossing the road onto the golf course. Guess his only enemy is the car. He's probably the one taking out the baby geese. Haven't seen them yet this year. Did see the skunk this morning, hopefully the fox can weed out a few of the skunk babies. Birds were everywhere, even fighting;), (those bird's weren't fighting).
Halfway through the training for the next marathon. The speed stuff is really clicking now. This is the point in my training were everything seems to be going good and I get to cocky. Run fast on a easy day or something just as dumb. Last year it was doing a long run the day after a race. Yesterday's speed workout went extremely well, even though at the time it sucked. Just need to maintain the discipline to work the next speed workout at the prescribed pace and not to much more. That's how I screwed up this past weekends progression run. Went to fast on the second piece and didn't have anything left for the final push.
Dylan's last basketball game is friday night. They got beat last weekend. Good game, but they didn't take enough shots and kept letting the other team take multiple shots after the rebounds. We didn't sign up for baseball or soccer this year.
Wasn't really thinking about Sammy Hagar and the danger zone album with the picture. It came up on my google search for a danger zone sign. Oh well, I'm probably the only one who likes his music anyway. I know the David Lee Roth fans were all bent out of shape when he was singing for Van Halen. I saw Sammy in concert when he was the "red rocker". Great show, I've got pictures somewhere. That's back when I was shooting mostly slide film though. Need to convert that stuff to digital.
Sammy was great this past July at the Chesney/Urban concert at LP.
I loved Sammy Hagar with Van Halen. Too bad they couldn't all get along. Your comment on Amy's blog cracked me up, so I came over to check yours out. I'll keep reading!
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