Started talking about the snow that was coming on Monday or Tuesday. We finally got it on Friday morning. Probably had around 4 or 5 inches worth before it changed over to freezing rain sometime in the night. End effect was a coating of ice on the trees and the top layer of ice an inch or so thick on top of the snow.
BQ1 changed his workout to Thursday because of the predicted snow. I already had my six mile steady state run planned for that day. Worked out well because Sol needed a workout and he agreed to pull us through the workout. I'd hoped for around a 6:50 pace and the first mile came in around 6:46. Dialed in pretty close to half marathon pace but should be doable for six miles. I ended following off of BQ1's shoulder for as long as I could hang on with Sol pulling us both. Ended up with about a 6:45 or so average for the six miles, quicker than my average pace from my last 10k.
Slept in on Friday morning and again on Saturday morning. Did get out for runs on both days, with a nice run in the late afternoon on Saturday in the daylight. Snow was still crunchy, only 24 degrees and a gray sky all day long. Tough run on the trail out at the Stones River Battlefield. Most of the trail under the trees was just snow covered without much of a ice buildup on top. Sections of the trail out in the open were ice covered and ankle deep snow. Fun stuff.
Sun finally came back out today and the snow was starting to melt on the last 20 minutes of my long run. The first few miles were cold and hard to keep my thumbs warm. Saw P man out on the last couple of miles of his 20 mile run. I'd slept in yet again and missed starting with the guys. Mine was a solo effort all around town on the busy roads, because they were the most snow free. Did run for about a mile with P man when he overtook me around mile six for me, which helped bring my average pace down a little bit. Didn't think I'd find any good shots for the camera on a urban run, but was surprised by the amount of ice on the trees and the reflections of light from the rising sun. Darn, to gray on Saturday for any shots and to cold today. Should have just stuck in my pocket anyway. Oh well.
Dylan and I sledded for a little while on Friday afternoon. We weren't really dressed well enough for the cold, so didn't stay out more than an hour or so. Thought I'd broken my shoulder on one of the runs. Just a tad to old to be flying down those hills that fast. We went back again on Saturday morning with his cousin and stayed even longer, but we were dressed for it this time. I only did a couple of slides and stopped after bruising my hip. Still sore today.
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