Wednesday morning and time for another tempo workout, but lo and behold the wind was almost non-existent. Holy &^%$# batman, could it be, a tempo workout without a 15 mph wind blowing in my face. It was cold, 18 degrees. The cold never was a factor. Did the duct tape trick on my shoes, but it only stayed for the first few miles. Didn't really need it after that, the pace was enough to keep everything else warm.
This mornings effort was 45 minutes at tempo pace. The pace came in better than last week and a more even effort, but still not as quick as it should be. I'll take it. The speed will come later.
Need to find out when "Legend of the Seeker" is scheduled to run again. I've watched about 4 episodes. Great show. It was shot in high definition in New Zealand. It's science fiction/fantasy with lots of action, little love interest and beef cake for everyone. Take the lead, the seeker, the last episode I watched had him hanging by his wrists and bare chested. You could count every muscle in his abs and chest. For the guys, the dominatrix wasn't to hard on the eyes either. Didn't hurt she was clad in leather.
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