A negative split. That's the only thing that I was able to accomplish at the race in Bell Buckle. This was the 4th time I've run the RC Cola Moon Pie 10 mile race. Holy crap it was hot. Hottest I've ever raced. Told BQ1 I was going to slow down from planned pace until mile 5 and then pick up the pace. The slow down in the front half was easy enough. Ended up slowing to almost a 7:00 pace until the hill and then only mustered a 7:49 for that mile.
The fast miles on the back half didn't happen. I was pretty much set in for a tempo pace run after 3 miles, that didn't happen either. The heat slowed me to a pace slower than the marathon last month. Ouch. Speed work wasn't even necessary. No speed happening today. Funny thing though, I won first in may age group. All of the fast guys were smart enough to stay home.
The herd was pretty will represented and 3 out of the 4 of us ended up with some hardware. EB steadily got me again, though I had her in my sights until the final turn. To quick, I couldn't reel her in. She ended 3rd female overall.
It was nice to be the one reeling in those falling off pace on the back side of the race. Only a handful of runners, but still felt good to be able to make the pass and have it stick. I carried a hand held bottle and still took water at every stop. I'd drink half of it and dump the other half over my head. Except for the station at mile 6, I got gatorade instead of water.
Congrats on placing first. You are right...It was one HOT race.
Congrats on your win. (But... you shouldn't have let that little lady beat you by 9 sec).
Kudos to you for even running in that heat at all Saturday.
David. thanks!
William. I wasn't racing her, just the heat:)
Lisa. thanks, met Terry Q. after the race, that must be the first Moon Pie you've missed in awhile.
do you have any pics of this marathon? I have a friend that ran it.
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