Wednesday, October 22, 2008

ultra slow

Another slow run this morning. I use the same route for my recovery runs since I stopped going to the golf course. Pace is the same on either course. Can't justify driving to and from the golf course for a 5 mile run. Stopped doing the 8 milers, that was getting way to monotonous. The current route is from the house out to Miller Coliseum. The road use to be gravel by the horse corrals, they put tar and gravel down, which is a step below the smooth surface of asphalt. I run on the shoulder on what's left of the gravel. Only about a half mile of true gravel road is left. But, it's a soft surface for about 2 miles.

Fair or really just a carnival is coming to the 'boro. They've set up in the back gravel parking lot of the Miller Coliseum. According to the website it's the Middle Tennessee Fair from October 22-26. Funny, haven't seen a thing about it in the news. At least not on the Murfreesboro's Post website. They stopped delivering to my house long ago, and I don't read the DNJ/Daily News Journal.

The pace I ran this morning is what I've come to call the ultra shuffle. It's a pace that would get me through a 50k at least. Hopefully a 50 miler, which I've really started to have second thoughts about. Sure hope I don't get reduced to that at the monkey. I've run or biked every section except for the mile or so of the start of the course. The race director has managed to get every hill in Percy Warner included in the 26.2 and just for fun, you get to do the main drive in both directions. I've only been out to PWP twice in the last couple of months. I'll just enjoy the course, time is secondary. Realistically, 3:30 is doable. I figure about 10 minutes extra time to my best marathon time. Don't know if I'm in quite the same shape or not. Speed wise yes, endurance is where I have the doubts. Oh, and all of those pesky little hills. Either climbing or descending, only flat section is the start. Climbing is ok, it's the descending that beats the crap out of my quads and hammy's

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