Just a light rain and 51 degrees. Speedy opted to stay dry with a jacket. I went with the tight under armor long sleeve with a coolmax tee to break the wind and shorts. Most importantly is the hat, need that to keep the rain out of your eyes. Changed the course to stay on the flats as much as possible, only the last half mile of the tempo was on a rise and into the wind. Rained lightly the entire time and heavy downpour on the 2.5 cooldown.

Seven weeks into the increased miles and six days a week routine and it seems to be paying off. The 5 miles at tempo went well. We averaged close to 10k pace for the most part, except the last half mile or so. At one point I pushed ahead because the pace felt to easy, but I could feel it towards the end.
From Speedy's journal entry."Met Dirk for a 10 miler, paced him through a 5 mile tempo in the middle (6:28, 6:29,6:30,6:35,6:48) 32:50 for five miles 6:34 pace. We ran a flatter course than we have been running. I kind of wanted to get a feel for his fitness level. I think he is coming around." Really makes a big difference having someone pace or pull or push.
Ordered the Garmin 305 yesterday. It should be here Tuesday. Hopefully the heart rate monitor will help with this type of run. It's been several years since running with the heart rate monitor. Probably just use it for 2-3 runs during the week.
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