Seven years old today. We'll have the family over for pizza and cake tonight. Dylan and I picked out a cake at the grocery store last night after t-ball practice. Chocolate cake, chocolate frosting and chocolate ice cream. Not a fan of the chocolate, but love the cake and ice cream. Dylan has decided he's to old for t-ball. I'll have to agree, him and one other kid should really be on coach pitch baseball. He wants to quit, can't say as I blame him. Most of the kids are kindergartners and don't have a clue about baseball. It's fun to watch.
Getting bike fever. The speed queen brought her bike into work yesterday. Her leg still hurts, probably a stress fracture. Don't think I've ever seen such a small bike. Pretty cool how much more advanced the components are compared with my old Vitus. Boss still has the Serotta Hors Categorie for sale. That'd be a cool bike, don't think it fits me though. He's having a tough time selling it. It's a blast riding the bike, just takes so much more time versus running.
Supposed to meet speedy at the golf course for a recovery run. He'll be wearing his heart rate monitor, so we should stay around a 8:00 pace.
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