The "Memorial" in Memorial Day has been ignored by too many of us who are beneficiaries of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. Often we do not observe the day as it should be, a day where we actively remember our ancestors, our family members, our loved ones, our neighbors, and our friends who have given the ultimate sacrifice:
- by visiting cemeteries and placing flags or flowers on the graves of our fallen heroes.
- by visiting memorials.
- by flying the U.S. Flag at half-staff until noon.
- by flying the 'POW/MIA Flag' as well (Section 1082 of the 1998 Defense Authorization Act).
- by participating in a "National Moment of Remembrance": at 3 p.m. to pause and think upon the true meaning of the day, and for Taps to be played.
- by renewing a pledge to aid the widows, widowers, and orphans of our falled dead, and to aid the disabled veterans.
PJ interviewed for a position in Murfreesboro, yesterday. She'll start on Wednesday. It's 4 miles from the house or around 4.5 via the greenway. Her commute before was about 30 minutes to Smyrna, now it'll only be 5 minutes. Same company, they just built a new office in the new Medical Center corridor. It would be cool if I could get a job in that area as well.
We'll head up to the farm on Saturday morning. No big plans, just chill out. Probably attempt to make a bench out of the cedar tree the wind blew over.
Really miss the running. My allergies have been giving me fits all week. Even PJ has allergy issues. Almost tempted to take some kind of over the counter antihistamine. Probably will if I don't get back running soon.
Headed out the door this morning for a easy 4 mile run. Got to the main road and decided I needed a real bathroom so went down to the greenway. Gate was locked and so was the bathroom. No problem, just go on down the greenway to the General Bragg trailhead. The greenway was a tunnel of white flowers. Don't know what kind of bushes, but the aroma was overpowering. Not sweet smelling like the honeysuckle and completely overpowered it. Quarter mile into this and my throat felt like it was swelling shut. Arrgh, Lisa I can feel your pain. Felt better coming back through on the return leg. Ended up with 7.95 miles. Dumb runner mistake 101, going to far coming back off a injury. Calf felt good, iced it as a precaution.(note to self, TP regardless of run length) Bathroom at Bragg was locked as well.
Check out this cool tunnel. Free State Trail Run.

that tunnel at Free State is COOL!
but it's only about 4.5-5 feet tall---gotta bend over while running through it! :)
I've noticed the smell of honey suckles makes me ill. :(
Have a great Memorial day weekend.
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