Granted this calf strain was mild compared with the other two. Minimal inflammation, mostly gone by the third day. No visible bruising or discoloration. Tender to the touch, but released yesterday around noon. Able to do a wall stretch this morning. Sat in the hot tub last night and able to massage with very little discomfort. Need to get my pro stretch step back from speedy. Couple days of stretching and I should be back.

Joked with PJ, that I was going to pork up from not running. Actually, hit the snack machine really hard on Monday and Tuesday. Love the Honey Buns, Reeses cup, and powdered donuts. Mostly just a pity party, 'cause I hate to be hurt. Not warm enough to ride the bike, hate the trainer. Time to get back on track.
Hang in'll be back 100% very soon!!
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